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Anthurium verrapaenze 6"

Anthurium verrapaenze 6"

Regular price $80.00
Regular price Sale price $80.00
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Looking for a unique and beginner-friendly house plant that will add a touch of tropical charm to your home? Look no further than the Anthurium verrapaenze!

This live tropical house plant comes in a 6" pot and boasts gorgeous, unique leaves that are sure to catch the eye of anyone who enters your home. Not only is it visually stunning, but it's also easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for first-time plant owners.

With proper care, your Anthurium verrapaenze will thrive. To keep it healthy and happy, be sure to place it in bright but indirect light. Water regularly but don't overdo it - this plant prefers slightly moist soil rather than being constantly waterlogged.

Overall, this collector's plant is an excellent addition to any indoor space - whether you're looking for something low-maintenance or simply love the look of tropical foliage. Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring some natural beauty into your home!

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