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Alocasia stingray 6"

Alocasia stingray 6"

Regular price $24.00
Regular price Sale price $24.00
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The Alocasia Stingray is a rare and unique house plant that is perfect for beginners. Its tropical leaves make it a beautiful addition to any indoor space, and its ease of care makes it an ideal choice for those new to plant care.

Key Features:
- Rare Alocasia Stingray
- Live tropical house plant
- Unique leaves
- Beginner-friendly
- Great for indoor home decoration

When caring for your Alocasia Stingray, it's important to keep in mind its natural habitat. This plant prefers indirect light and watering once the top inch of soil has dried out. It's also important not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

To promote healthy growth, consider fertilizing your Alocasia Stingray once a month during the growing season (spring/summer). This will provide essential nutrients that will help keep your plant happy and thriving.

Overall, the Alocasia Stingray is an excellent choice for those looking for a unique and low-maintenance houseplant that adds natural beauty to any home decor scheme!

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